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Questions and Answers



What Is Microblading – 3D Embroidery Eyebrows – Anyway?

Microblading, also known as “feathering” is one of the most popular new trends in beautiful eyebrow enhancement. Pigment is manually implanted directly under the epidermis (the skin) by using a uniquely designed and very tiny blade that leaves natural looking hair strokes. There is no machine used during this process. This semi-permanent tattoo method can not only help give the brow a natural looking lift in order to give a more youthful appearance…but it will also add more fullness and refinded definition to give the brows (and face) that beauty boost the client desires the most!


How long do they last? Microbladed brows will vary from client to client, but will typically last anywhere from 1-3 years. With the addition of color refresh touchups, the brows will look very crisp and precise from 12-18 months after the initial procedure.


The Microblading Process Simplified…


The Microblading procedure usually lasts around 2 hours, most of this time involves the prep work that needs to be done first. Before the tattooing even begins, we’ll work one-on-one with the client to ensure that we match the right eyebrow shape that best suites their needs and expectations. Also, the actual color of the brow will be selected in order to properly match the skin tone and desired finished look the client is looking for.


Once everything is ready to go, a topical anesthetic will be applied to the area to minimize any discomfort. Once the procedure is complete, minor redness and swelling is expected to occur. This will calm down in a day or so, depending on the client. Healing takes about 7 days and the skin will heal over the tattoo pigment during this time.

Initially the color of the new brow will look very dark, but this will soften as it heals over. The most important thing is to keep this area clean and dry as it heals. This means no picking at the brow area and also being sure to apply proper aftercare ointment to ensure proper healing.


A complementary follow up will be scheduled 4-6 weeks following the procedure. During this visit, minor touch-ups may be needed to perfect the shape of the new brows.


Official Phibrows™ Guidlines:


– PREGNANCY. During pregnancy, the treatment is not performed. During breast feeding, the treatment is possible.

– CHEMOTHERAPY. During chemotherapy, the treatment is possible. Proposal: best make before the loss of natural hair.

– BOTOX. Botox treatment should be at least two weeks old, so that the Botox is not massaged during treatment in the wrong place. If you want to do before Botox, best to ask Phibrows artist, but the shape and symmetry of the eyebrows not affect on the color and durability.

– OTHER TREATMENTS. All abrasive treatments and laser treatments to avoid the area of ​​ color. Laser treatments or IPL treatments might cause the color included burns in the fields.

– PAIN. While the character of the “Blade” scratches on the dead skin and this pain can pluck the eyebrows compare. In the second part of the treatment when the hair is filled with the color, we use a anesthesia and the pain is reduced to minimum. Note: The pain may be noticeable if the customer has the cycle if the customer at the moment is afraid or if the customer has damaged skin.

– SIDE EFFECTS are so far not happened yet. A flushing of the skin as a post-reaction is away on the same day. First seven days are the eyebrows 10-15 percent thicker and up to 40 percent darker.

– NATURAL HAIR will not be removed except in the case when they are not as I deal and of the outstanding form. The treatment we performed on the natural hair and are not damaged.

– SCARS. The treatment is carried out not on colloidal scars. In other scars are allowed if they are older than two years.

– PREVIOUS PERMANENT MAKE UP. If you have it, or if you have removed it with laser treatment before you make an appointment with us from because it is sometimes not possible to make the treatment and the results can also be specific.

– CHANGES TO SKIN. The treatment is not in areas where there is carried out a change of color or structure of the skin.

– AGE RANGE. There is no maximum limit. Minors must come with customer support of parents.

-If you are not completely sure if you need this treatment or you have not made any firm decision, make an appointment with Phibrows artist.

– Guarantee the durability is not possible to provide because the quality, durability, color and symmetry are dependent on the quality of the skin, as well as of the post-treatment phase that is not predictable.

– Guarantee of Microblading Academy that the treatment is carried out by the Profesional employees with experience



Eyelash Extensions:


How are the eyelash extensions applied?


A single natural eyelash is isolated and a synthetic lash is glued to the top of your own natural eyelash away from the eyelid.


How long does the application take?


The procedure will take approximately 45 minutes to 2 hours depending on set and state of your own lashes, refills take only 45 minutes to one hour. It is a meticulous procedure that requires patience and concentration so therefore it should not be rushed so that clients can leave with a perfect set of lashes. You relax with your eyes closed and there is no pain as this is a non-invasive procedure. Often clients are so relaxed they fall asleep


Do eyelash extensions make my own lashes fall out?


No, definatley not this is a myth. The eyelash has a cycle and are constantly being replaced like your hair. If you pull so hard on an extension lash and pull out your own natural lash there will be no new lash ready to grow to take its place and you will have to wait 6-8 weeks for that lash to grow.


Can I still wear eye makeup?


Yes, but you won’t need mascara and may even find you won’t need eyeliner, but you can still use eyeliner and eye shadows as usual just remember to remove with a product that does not contain oil of any kind as this will affect the glue. It is recommended to remove eyeliner and eyeshadow using a damp cotton bud and a small amount of eye make-up remover and gently running it along the eyeliner to remove it. To remove eyeshadow wet a cotton wipe and eye make-up remover and gently remove eye shadow in a side and upward movement not down onto the eyelash extensions. Wiping down towards the lashes will cause a build up of makeup on the lashes and may lessen the life of them.


Can I wear mascara?


You won’t have to. Extensions will make your lashes look like you’re wearing mascara 24/7 without the clumping, streaking and smudging look that you get with mascara. If desired you can wear a non-waterproof on the lower lashes but remember to use an eye makeup remover that contains no oil.


Can I open my eyes during the procedure?


Though not advised its possible for a short amount of time if need, but please advise the technician before you open your eyes as two sharp tweezers are used when applying the lashes.


Can I curl or perm eyelash extensions?


No, do not perm your new eyelash extensions, you won’t have to as the extension lashes hold their lovely shape. Using a clamp eyelash curler is not recommended and will lessen the life of your eyelash extensions and perhaps damage them along with your own natural lashes. You can use a heated eyelash curler but do not over use it only using it when necessary.


Is there any reason why I can't have eyelash extensions applied ?


It is suggested that if you are an excessive "eye rubber" due to allergies such as hayfever or if rubbing your eyes is just a habit or in the past you have experienced sensitivity around the eye area after using skin care or makeup or generally having sensitivity around that area the extensions may not suit you. If you use prescribed medicated eye drops or ointment this may coat the lashes and cause them to clump. Clients who say their eyes are sensitive but DO NOT experience any reaction or discomfort during or after having eyelash extensions applied.


What should I do before my eyelash extension appointment?


If you have extremely fair eyelashes it is recommended to have them tinted before your eyelash extension appointment. Preferably arrive with no mascara and do not perm or curl your eyelashes before your eyelash extension appointment. If you wear contact lenses please bring your contact lens case as your lenses will need to be removed or wear glasses instead.


Can the eyelash extensions be removed?


Yes, at any time for any reason they can be removed however there will be a removal charge. Refer to prices. The extension are easily removed by using a glue remover and is safe and will cause no harm to your natural lashes.

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